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Georgetown on the Park

Annual Property Maintenance Survey

To keep our community looking maintained and in good repair, the Georgetown HOA Board has approved the following guidelines.

    1. Each year before May 31st, each owner is required to survey their property using the guidelines below (the repair checklist can be downloaded here)
    2. Owners are required to submit the form below with appropriate details

Owners must submit a final report about completed work to our property manager by August 31st each year. Our property manager will conduct an independent survey of properties on the following basis:

      • For owners who have not submitted a report by the deadline
      • For owners who request that a survey be conducted on their behalf

For repairs and maintenance not completed or adequately addressed by September 15th, our property manager will engage a subcontractor to complete the repairs and then bill the owner for this work. (See CC&Rs Article XIII Section 13.1)

Again, the complete repair checklist and guidelines can be downloaded here.

Owner Survey Form

Please complete the form below. Also, for homes requiring repairs and maintenance, include list of needed repairs and maintenance along with a timeline for completing repairs and maintenance (generally within 60 days—any repairs requiring more time to complete must be approved by our property manager by May 31st).

Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

Maintenance Status* (check one)

HOA Property Manager

Georgetown on the Park
c/o Total Property Management
2230 N. University Pkwy, #7A
Provo, UT 84604

Rich Wells, Property Manager